
Es könnte alles schlechter sein, drum wolle mer mal nich schelte.



Das kommt dabei raus.


Welche Stücke von Frank Sinatra sollen das sein?

Alles erzeugt mit diesem Code (genauer gesagt, die letzten zwei, weil ich den danach um noch ein Tönchen (ges. = 5) erweitert habe):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[ ]:

# https://github.com/trevorwelch/chroma-to-midi

# In[ ]:

import sys

# In[4]:

get_ipython().system('{sys.executable} -m pip install pretty_midi')

# In[416]:

create a chromagram from an audio file and then render that chromagram to MIDI

import madmom
import numpy as np
import scipy
import pretty_midi
import librosa
import math
import soundfile as sf
import re

from sys import argv
from os.path import exists

# In[483]:

# Variablen setzen

path_to_audio = '/home/heide/Musikpool/sinatra_guess-5.mp3'
filename = re.sub(r'.*\/([^\/]+)$',r'\1',path_to_audio)
filename = re.sub(r'\.mp3$',r'',filename)
filename = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]',r'',filename)
filename = re.sub(r' ',r'_',filename)
path_to_midi = '/home/heide/Musikpool/' + filename + '.midi'

# In[484]:

path_to_tempfile = '/tmp/' + filename + '.wav'
print (path_to_tempfile)

# Tempo bestimmen

# Estimate a static tempo

y, sr = librosa.load(path_to_audio)
onset_env = librosa.onset.onset_strength(y, sr=sr)
tempo = librosa.beat.tempo(onset_envelope=onset_env, sr=sr)

tempo_var = float(tempo[0])
type(tempo_var), tempo_var

# Harmonic-Extraction

y_harmonic = librosa.effects.harmonic(y, margin=3.0)
sf.write(path_to_tempfile, y_harmonic, sr, subtype='PCM_24')

# In[485]:

# Create the chromagram

dcp = madmom.audio.chroma.DeepChromaProcessor()
chroma = dcp(path_to_tempfile)

# In[486]:

# Create the velocity-array

chroma_vel = []

for idx,array in enumerate(chroma):
    i = 1
    list_tmp = []
    for note in array:
        faktor = (note/max(array) + math.log(note/max(array))/3)
        vel = faktor*127
        if vel < 16:
            vel = 16
        i += 1

# In[487]:

def threshhold_chroma(chromagram,chromavel):
    # Create an array of zeros the same size/dimension as the chromagram
    chromagram_out = scipy.zeros_like(chromagram) 
    # Loop through the chroma_vector the size of the zeros array and sort for the strongest pitch centers
    for i, chroma_vector in enumerate(chromagram):
        chromagram_out[i, chroma_vector.argsort()[::-1][:5]] = [10, 9, 8, 7, 6]
    chromagram_vel_out = []
    for j, chroma_vector in enumerate(chromagram_out):
        chroma_vel = chromavel[j][1]
    chromagram_vel_out = np.asarray(chromagram_vel_out)
    return chromagram_out,chromagram_vel_out

# Call the threshholding function

chroma_out,chroma_vel = threshhold_chroma(chroma,chroma_vel)

# In[459]:


# In[488]:

# Function to create our MIDI file based on the above sorted chroma array

def chroma_to_midi(chromagram,chromagram_vel):

    chroma_midi = pretty_midi.PrettyMIDI(midi_file=None, resolution=220, initial_tempo=tempo_var)
    piano_program = pretty_midi.instrument_name_to_program('Rock Organ')
    piano = pretty_midi.Instrument(program=piano_program)

    make_a_chord = 0
    vi = 0
    last_vector = []

    # Loop through the chroma vectors of the array by their vector_index
    for vector_index, chroma_vector in enumerate(chromagram):
        # Everytime we loop through, increase the point in the MIDI file that we are writing by the framesize of the original chromagram
        # If it's the first note of the song, or the tonal centers' balance have changed, increase the vector index counter and tell the script we want to make a new chord
        if vi == 0 or not np.array_equal(chroma_vector,last_vector):
            make_a_chord = 1
        # If the tonal centers have not changed, don't
            make_a_chord = 0

        if make_a_chord == 1:
            # Das richtige Velocity-Array auswählen
            vel_array = chromagram_vel[vector_index]
            # Loop through the current vector of chroma_notes by their chroma_note_index
            for chroma_note_index, chroma_note in enumerate(last_vector):
                velocity = int(vel_array[0][chroma_note_index])
                # If it's the strongest chroma center, make a 127 velocity note and append to the pretty_midi object
                if chroma_note == 10:
                    note = pretty_midi.Note(velocity=velocity, pitch=(chroma_note_index+60), start=start, end=end)
                # If it's the second strongest chroma center, make a 64 velocity note and append to the pretty_midi object      
                elif chroma_note == 9:
                    note = pretty_midi.Note(velocity=velocity, pitch=(chroma_note_index+60), start=start, end=end)
                # If it's the third strongest chroma center, make a 32 velocity note and append to the pretty_midi object          
                elif chroma_note == 8:
                    note = pretty_midi.Note(velocity=velocity, pitch=(chroma_note_index+60), start=start, end=end)
                # If it's the fourth strongest chroma center, make a 16 velocity note and append to the pretty_midi object          
                elif chroma_note == 7:
                    note = pretty_midi.Note(velocity=velocity, pitch=(chroma_note_index+60), start=start, end=end)
                elif chroma_note == 6:
                    note = pretty_midi.Note(velocity=velocity, pitch=(chroma_note_index+60), start=start, end=end)
            # Set the start of the next time we write a note to the end time
        # Set the last_vector, so that the next time we loop through we have a state to compare to and decide whether or not we need to write a new MIDI chord
        last_vector = chroma_vector

    # Add the MIDI we just made to the piano instrument  
    # Write the MIDI file to a filename we specified above

    return chroma_midi

# Run the function


Es ist zwar wieder nur ein kleiner Schritt, aber die Zielscheiben strecken mir ihre Anlitze durch die noch dichten Nebelschwaden scheinspürbar mehr und mehr entgegen. OzoRezi.

Ach, keine Sorge! Ich werde mich noch detaillierter darüber auslassen. Nu mussi abba innet Bettche, weil, das wartet schon so lang. Und mir dröhnt noch der Kopp, weil ich meine Ganglien heut, gestern ziemlich ver- und entknoten musste, weia, herrje!

Gut's Nächtle, allerseits!

Links (gebrauchte und abgenutzte):

librosa.effects.harmonic — librosa 0.7.1 documentation 

numpy.ndarray.sort — NumPy v1.17 Manual Sorting HOW TO — Python 3.8.0 documentation machine-learning-music/chroma_to_midi.py at master · srianbury/machine-learning-music · GitHub pretty_midi — pretty_midi 0.2.8 documentation librosa.core.note_to_midi — librosa 0.7.1 documentation madmom.audio.signal — madmom 0.16.1 documentation madmom.audio.filters — madmom 0.16.1 documentation madmom.audio.chroma — madmom 0.14 documentation librosa.beat.tempo — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Feature extraction — librosa 0.7.1 documentation GitHub - trevorwelch/chroma-to-midi: Python script that creates a chromagram from an audio file and then renders that chromagram to MIDI chroma-to-midi/__init__.py at master · trevorwelch/chroma-to-midi · GitHub chroma-to-midi/chroma_to_midi at master · trevorwelch/chroma-to-midi · GitHub Sequential modeling — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Temporal segmentation — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Spectrogram decomposition — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Core IO and DSP — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Harmonic-percussive source separation — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Enhanced chroma and chroma variants — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Laplacian segmentation — librosa 0.7.1 documentation Supervised Chord Recognition for Music Audio in Matlab scipy2015_librosa.pdf Engert_MasA.pdf Removing drums from audio.. - Audacity Forum Drum Beats in Audacity: 5 Steps chord-recognition/parameters.py at master · chenhuiyi/chord-recognition · GitHub Chords and Chroma – (Browser based live audio) – Manaswi Mishra Chord Recognition Using Librosa-problem with librosa.feature.chroma_cqt–Google Groups Using LibROSA to extract audio features - Tencent (Thailand) - Medium 


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